ds106 The ds106 Toolbox Looking back on the large amount of work created during the ds106 course and thinking about the reflective advice given by myself and others, it occurred to me that along the way a lot of us have blogged our process as well as the final results. Information like that is
ds106 To Future ds106ers I've thought long and hard about what I could say to convey why this class is important. Why it is simultaneously the greatest and most meaningful course you can complete, and at the same time the most grueling. There's a lot of great advice out there
ds106 Possibilities for DS106TV After just a few weeks of the TV experiment going live there has been a whole lot of experimentation and it's generally becoming a fun playground to explore what's possible with a medium like this. The karaoke night action was fun (and possibly painful for the
community When a Course becomes a Community I remember clearly the first online community I was a part of. In late 2003, just a few weeks after it had been built, I joined Monkeyfilter. Monkeyfilter was a spinoff of Metafilter which was closed to new membership at the time. I had been following Metafilter for a few
broadcasting Karaoke Friday on ds106TV As is quickly becoming tradition (at least for Jim Groom and I), I decided to broadcast some karaoke tunes to ds106 on Friday. The idea of livestreaming and setting up a TV station for ds106 has been back on my mind a lot recently in light of the video assignments.
ds106 When In Rome: A Street View Story I had been playing around with the idea of using a combination of Google Street View and sound effects from the Freesound.org project for awhile now. Today's news that Google now has Street View inside of famous landmarks is all the prodding I needed to start playing.
crowdfunding Crowdfunding an Education It shouldn't be this way. The ability to receive an excellent education shouldn't require us all to stand on the side of the road and lay our hats down to catch the loose change from those that pass by. I've written before about my
ds106 Video Essay My wife always laughs at me when My Girl comes on TV. Yes, I am a man, and yes I cry at this sappy movie. I can't help it. To me there is something powerful about the way they frame a story of a girl that can'
ds106 Broadcasting on ds106 Radio [caption id="attachment_156" align="alignright" width="580"] Image Credit Brandon Warren[/caption] The combination of a few late nights with the wife and kid out of town and our newly installed high-speed internet connection have meant the ability for me to do more
ds106 Therapy with Firebug Martha Burtis posts an excellent assignment involving the use of a Firefox extension called Firebug to edit the contents of a website to create an interesting story. This is just genius, so much easier than photoshopping a site. I wanted to do something meaningful with it, mostly because the temptation
Developing a Conference Website Part of my role with the Board of Directors for VSTE is working with Laura Briggs on the Membership Committee to help drive publicity and membership. I end up getting to play with a lot of fun things and use social networks to help promote events and things we have
That fleeting piece of paper... At some point in my life I became a hybrid, someone who could fit a ton of different roles and never own a single one. I graduated with a B.F.A. in Studio Art, joined the I.T. department at my alma mater, and then got sucked into instructional
iOS 60 Apps in 60 Minutes I've recently been doing this presentation in several different venues from VSTE to Longwood. I got a guy to record it at Longwood recently and he did a fantastic job of editing the video to include a screencast of the apps I gave him separately. I'm
DesignAssignments I Can Read Movies: Harry Potter I used to love to read, and Penguin books were the best. After I made this cover, I decided I needed to scuff it up a bit and make it look old. This kind of makes me want to print these out and wrap them over some of the actual
design We Are All Artists On Thursday I spoke with the ds106 face to face course happening simultaneously at the University of Mary Washington. As this is my first time participating in a MOOC it was a great honor and privilege to get to interact a bit with those students and perhaps offer something inspirational
archive Linkrot and the Transient Web I'm straying a bit from business as usual here on the blog because I got to thinking about the transient web again. During my midday flight through Google Reader I came across some news that the BBC would be removing any websites sitting in the home folder of
DesignAssignments The Social Network I was going to do the "minimalist" poster assignment but wasn't satisfied with my first attempt and decided to do another one that's "semi-minimalist" but with a key frame of the movie integrated in there. I like how this turned out, and
4icons The Matrix in 4 icons [caption id="attachment_120" align="alignnone" width="580" caption="Click image for full size"][/caption] A nice tip for folks is that you don't have to draw icons from scratch (although that's great too). There are types of
ds106 ds106.tv My participation in ds106 is getting a lot less linear as assignments come and go and I continue to grab hold of that which catches my interest. That's not to say I'm not participating, far from it. I'm 2 days in to the Daily
arg The Wizard of Oz 2.0 I have a confession to make. I've been playing around with a few of the more popular "web 2.0" (God I hate that term, but I digress) sites in an attempt to recreate a story. And it's a lot of fun. But I
assignment2 Bag Of Gold I'm not going to admit to how long this took to do, other than to say instead of getting it done last week when it would have been more relevant to ds106, I'm finally getting it out today. I wanted to try my hand at "
ds106 ds106 Radio The world's craziest MOOC has a radio station, which makes this whole thing about ten more levels underground. For those of you wanting to rock it in your sidebar here are instructions for Wordpress: 1. Go to Appearance > Widgets (assuming your theme supports widgets) 2. Drag a