The Big Hip Hop Tutorial
One of my recommendations in the ds106 Toolbox for folks who can't afford Photoshop (and don't really need to) is a website called Aviary. Although I refer to it in terms of a photo editor, their suite of tools really does a whole lot more including vector editing and even an audio editor. I've decided to make it a personal challenge of mine that I will push the limits of these tools by using only these online web-based programs to complete as many ds106 assignments as possible. In the spirit of sharing and helping others I'm going to record some screencasts to show you the process as well. Hopefully you all will find this useful. This first tutorial is based on the Big Hip Hop assignment where we use lyrics from a rap song or top 100 hit and lay them overtop a compelling image from The Big Picture. The end result looks a little something like this: Apologies for the low sound, a combination of hesitancy to blast out my coworkers and a lack of a dedicated microphone here for the task. This has also been cross-posted to
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