Reclaim Your Domain Web Series
A few weeks ago I decided to start putting together some targeted screencasts from the standpoint of building a website from scratch using Reclaim Hosting. It's one thing to have lots of written documentation (and we've got that in spades at but another to sit back and watch someone work through all the various aspects of building out a web presence. What I love most is that even I learn a thing or two in the process!
Below is a quick recap of the first 4 episodes that are already out. Each on is attached to an ongoing playlist and you can subscribe to our YouTube channel to see them when they come out as there will definitely be more!
Episode One: Signing Up
In this episode I walk through the process of getting a domain via Reclaim Hosting. What was interesting to me is just how hard it is to find a unique domain these days! I edited out a lot of trial and error there, haha.
Episode Two: The Client Area
While most people use our client area as a quick way to get into cPanel or handle billing there are also other useful management tools available in there I cover in this episode.
Episode Three: Site Publisher
cPanel's Site Publisher is brand new and I figured it was a great way to show how you can get a quick landing page on your domain up and running in a matter of minutes.
Episode Four: Folder Structures, Subfolders, and Subdomains
Here we dive into the File Manager to understand how folders and files live on the server and how that correlates to what you actually see when you type in your domain.
If you've got other ideas for future videos I'd love to hear them! Hoping over time to build out an archive that can cover all the various features of Reclaim Hosting that folks can take advantage of in building out their web presence.
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