Off to Summer Camp

This summer in addition to my regular duties at the University of Mary Washington I'm also pleased to announce that I will be a camp counselor at Camp Magic Macguffin. For the summer iteration of ds106, Martha Burtis and Alan Levine are rethinking how the course is structured to mix things up a bit and I'm really excited. Last year the summer course was built around the narrative of Dr. Oblivion from Videodrome and ended with a massacre at a cabin (amongst other odd side narratives). This year my understanding is that the entire mountain has been swept clean and a new and happy place for students was built in its place. As a camp counselor I have the unique privilege of following a select group of students, commenting on their work, encouraging, mentoring, advising, and just being a part of the daily life at camp. It's a great model for open classes! I'm taking on the persona of "Sgt. Pepperstrong" however I'm going to continue to blog about my work here (I already have way too many personalities to add another). You'll be seeing more ds106 work from me as well as highlights from the summer course appear here. We'll also be congregating in Google Hangouts as well as building a virtual camp in Minecraft! Sound like fun? There's still time to sign up and get involved. It might just be the motivation you need to get excited about learning online again and building out a professional learning network. I can't begin to describe what it has done for my career!

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