Link List 6/28/23

Link List 6/28/23

I'm going to start gathering links from around the web that I've been reading or interest me each week into a once a week post here in the vein of Tom Woodward's Weekly Web Harvest. Enjoy!

Why did the #TwitterMigration fail?
I’ve been using fediverse stuff (Mastodon and, most recently, Calckey – I’m just going to use “Mastodon” as shorthand here, purists can bite me) for over a year now, a…
Provocative article for sure, but also found myself nodding to much of the sentiment as much as I still love Mastodon.
Hold Space to Fly Straight by Seudo Nimm (Jawad Usman)
Play in your browser
Every time I think I'm getting better I somehow get worse.
DeArrow - A Browser Extension for Better Titles and Thumbnails
DeArrow is a browser extension for replacing titles and thumbnails on YouTube with community created accurate versions. No more clickbait.
The Paradoxes of Nostalgia
By now we are all acquainted with the pandemic’s pathology of feeling. We know about the loneliness, the hopelessness, and the grief. But there are other reactions, less prominent but not rare.
We've been watching Silo weekly since the beginning and it's really great!

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