
  • My family is eating meals together at the table every day.
  • We are taking more walks.
  • I'm spending more time reconnecting with friends in ways that feel more authentic than a "like" on Facebook.
  • Everything feels less busy, the calendar is practically empty.
  • We are playing games together, doing puzzles, watching movies.
  • We are spending less on junk, we are spending more on delivered groceries and trying to give business to the places we love.
  • So many places are offering convenient options for takeout, delivery, etc.
  • The roads are not congested.
  • There is a general sense of "understanding" in the air. Much less judgement and a feeling that everyone is dealing with stuff and we're all in this together.

I could certainly write about the things that have been hard and difficult in this time, but the fact of the matter is there are so many things that have changed for the better I'd rather focus on those and remember them so I don't forget how much joy they brought me during this time. Maybe some of them can continue even when we get past this.

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