60 Apps in 60 Minutes

I've recently been doing this presentation in several different venues from VSTE to Longwood. I got a guy to record it at Longwood recently and he did a fantastic job of editing the video to include a screencast of the apps I gave him separately. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I'll be giving a similar presentation in an online format through VSTE's Webinar (God I hate that word) series on March 10th and in person at the Mobile Share Fair on March 26th.

On a related note, I'm going to be leading a group on iOS development throughout the month of March. No cost to be a part of it, but I am going to use the Lynda tutorials which has a $25/month subscription fee. Normally I'd steer towards free stuff online but these videos are too good to pass up and I figure instead of spending $25 on a dry book spend it on the Lynda subscription and even if you find you're not liking iOS development there are plenty of other screencasts and tutorials on their site to make it worth it. We're collaborating in [this Ning group](http://vsteonline.ning.com/group/iosdev) and I imagine we will probably jump into an Adobe Connect room a few times throughout the month for open session stuff to bounce ideas off each other and answer questions. If that sounds appealing to you please join us!

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